Dipu Az
Film for Development
An ardent documentary filmmaker with 12 plus years of experience in capturing issue-based real-life events as they happen; backed up by expertise gained in the critical areas of:
Preproduction: Researching and identifying issues to be covered; deciding on filming locations; developing filming plan and style; overseeing scripts and storyboards; recruiting suitable crew; developing style; and communicating a clear vision for the film to the crew and developing a detailed budget for the film.
Actual filming: Setting up cameras and angles; overseeing the sound recording to make sure it is of adequate quality; and being ready to change plans instantly if something unexpected arises.
Editing: Overseeing the actual editing of the film by viewing all footage with film editors and discussing what should stay and what should go, as well as variations from the storyboard; and
Post-production: Directly overseeing the final assembly of the finished film, including development of promotional materials such as posters and ads, and lead where applicable the process of publicizing the documentary.
Particularly skilled at developing state-of-the-art Documentaries and Docu-Fiction centered on pressing contemporary development challenges, in particular the following – Environment and Climate Change, Natural Resource Conservation, Public Health and Nutrition, Labor and Children Rights, and Human Rights.
Adept in managing a fairly large crew of 5 to 20 documentary making professionals, to ensure that all components of the film are made according to documentary concept design and course of action planned towards actual filming, editing and final submission.
Interacted with, brainstormed, mutually worked with and delivered for top level Communication Teams and Units belonging to Bangladesh’s leading international development organizations such as CARE International, IUCN, GIZ Bangladesh, WSUP Bangladesh and the like.
Core strengths include:
• Comprehensive knowledge of audio, video and broadcast standards;
• Familiar with research, pre and post production strategies and techniques;
• Years of experience reviewing, writing, re-writing and editing scripts;
• Proficient in CAMERA OP and Sound Recording;
• Acquired skills in Final Cut Pro, Soundtrack Pro, Desktop Publication, Internet and Web-based communication;
• Regular user of social media and use of such media in augmenting social causes pertaining to documentaries developed.
Film for Development