Lucia Tong
Ensemble Member
Lucia Tong is a performer based in London. Originally from Hong Kong, Lucia studied at the University of California-Berkeley’s Department of Theatre, Dance and Performance Studies while earning her B.Sc in Environmental Science. As a dancer and actor, Lucia has worked for companies including Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre, Handspring Puppet Company, Upswing Aerial, Protein Dance, Sankalpam, Troika Ranch and The Royal Shakespeare Company amongst others. Lucia also works as a choreographer and movement director for stage, immersive theatre, installations, flash mobs, dance and videos performed in venues such as the Southbank Centre, King’s Place, Stratford Circus Theatre, the Place and the Bernie Grant Arts Centre. With a background in dance and theatre performance, Lucia works to uncover visceral and intuitive truths through the body. Lucia creates multi-disciplinary works with her own company Pangea Art (www.pangeart.co.uk). Lucia co-directed a community organisation Arts 4 Human Rights (www.arts4humanrights.co.uk) to promote the use of arts to engage people with social thinking and action.
Dancer, Actor