Cultural Development
Developing Artists
Physical Theatre Training
Professional Development – cross cutting skills
-Theatre in Education
– Strategy & Policy
– Research
Culture for Development
– Governance
– Justice
– Peacebuilding
Research & Strategy
– Interactive Social Research
– Building evidence
> For the use of the arts in development
> For organisations, donors, companies and individuals
Foundational principles:
Needs-based Practical
Relevant Consultative
Following extensive partner consultation and research development of the arts and culture sector is viewed as being:
- Developing artistic institutions of strength who already produce cultural works that reflect society, and have a presence in the public space to ‘express’, engage the public freely, and have potential to excel
- Enabling excellence to flourish – reaching internationally recognised standards
- Enabling the export of Zimbabwean works of high and excellent works of art (visual, performance)
- Development of audiences who want to watch, engage with cultural and artistic works
- Investing in innovative ideas and advanced critical and theoretical thinking
- Developing an enabling environment for talent to fulfil its potential, for individual creativity and expression: by Supporting efforts to improve national regulatory frameworks and policy for the arts and culture sector.
- Developing a recognised and celebrated body of Zimbabwean artistic forms in a global context
- Broadening the base from which the peak rises: supporting efforts to centralise the arts in education.
- Developing support for arts institutions, events and individuals from all sectors of society.
Investing in infrastructure
- Pushing boundaries to develop new forms of expression for Zimbabwe, reflecting Zimbabwean identity in the complex context of a rich traditional cultural heritage, in a globalised post-modern world
- Elevating the status of the artist, and inspirational talent through training
- Developing the arts and culture sector is separate from using ‘cultural activity’ or ‘culture’ for development purposes
Specific partnerships built by Arts for Action Founder:
- Successfully building NGO, Nanzikambe Arts and Development Organisation in Malawi over 6 years from no income to turning over 500,000 USD a year, managing multiple-funded programmes, with multiple external partners including collaboration with numerous local CSOS and different Government Ministries.
- Initiated the arts and development programme Arts Lab, in partnership with local CSO Savanna Trust in Zimbabwe, providing visionary and strategic leadership and securing 100,000 GBP in 6 months, supported by Pro Helvetia, British Council and Culture Fund.
- Developed a fundraising strategy for The Dance Trust of Zimbabwe and secured over 100,000 USD and sustainable partnerships for Tumbuka Dance Company from HIVOS, Culture Fund, British Council, Africalia and Pro Helvetia.
- Conducted extensive research into donor and funding partners and written papers on funding patterns in the Southern African region, working in partnership with Nhimbe Trust and Pamberi Trust.