Community Arts

Addressing Social Issues at community level through the arts Weekly arts clubs established in 5 high density areas around Harare in 2012, were extended to 8 towards the end of the year. Community Arts Clubs use performance to address issues of concern or relevance to the specific group. Then, in partnership with African Community Publishing and Development, ACPD, the groups moved towards specifically addressing child rights, HIV, violence through a ‘Soft Strength Social Action’ project (click here to download project document) The way Community Arts Lab Clubs work: 2 facilitators meet weekly with community groups to train in the use of applied arts for development. Initially the aim has been that the Community Arts Lab Clubs develop skills that can address a broad range of social and development issues.


Over time facilitation skills of the process are transferred and in the end, the groups become self sustainable. Family well being Working with ACPD’s book ‘Togetherness – A People’s Guide to Family Well-being’ – issues affecting child rights and protection were brought out. Dramatising the images and questions in ACPDs book provokes audiences to open discussion, build understanding, and give children a stronger voice. The groups’ work culminates in a performance based workshop within an appropriate forum, decided by the group, in a community setting. Activities

  1. Establishing the groups – a combination of auditioning and working with local partner – selection and reselection of existing group members
  2. Development of specific curriculum based on ACPD’s book
  3. Training facilitators
  4. Weekly workshops over 10 weeks
  5. Performance
  6. Coordination of facilitators activity with feedback forums
  7. Reporting

Aims Equip community groups with skills to engage the public. Raise awareness on specific child rights issues. Change attitudes and behaviour that can lead to child rights abuses. Sustainability Through the duration of the project facilitators will work with local partners to secure continued support for the group. Each group actively seeks further opportunity directly using the skills learnt through the 10 week workshop process.